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The municipality started a pilot on the topic of enforcement using drones. For now, the drones will focus on urban crimes, but in the future their role will expand as a means of assisting the security and rescue forces.
A sense of security
Gil Shlomo, director of the Hadera Municipality’s Enforcement and Security Division, explains that the drones will assist in emergency and routine tasks of the municipal policing: “There is no limit to the future possibilities of such a technological means to improve the sense of security and the residents of the city, in many aspects.”
The idea to carry out enforcement using drones was born by the mayor of the city, Zvika Gandelman, after Hadera was chosen to be the first city in which a national pilot was held to transport shipments using low-flying drone technology. It was a joint and ground-breaking pilot of a number of bodies, including the Ministry of Transportation, the Civil Aviation Authority, the Innovation Authority, the Smart Transportation Directorate and Israel Routes, and it made Hadera the first city where deliveries from the air would be possible.
According to Shlomo, during Gendelman’s visit to the drone complex, he sought to expand the uses of advanced technology and apply them to various aspects of city management. “The mayor instructed me to hold a pilot that would test the effectiveness of enforcement using a drone. The pilot is being carried out in all the neighborhoods including Ein Hayam, Givat Olga, Beit Eliezer, and in the city center and its main goal is to improve the sense of security of the city’s residents by creating an effective deterrent and also by making the municipal enforcement work active Visama. This is through the early identification of hazards through the drone, then sending personnel to deal with them immediately.”
So is this actually a measure that will help the Enforcement and Security Division?
“This is a complementary activity to enforcement and it does not take the place of our people, but helps us to carry out the enforcement in a more effective way. As part of this, we are now placing more cameras in the city in all kinds of hot spots, which we know in advance where frequent offenses such as littering are committed. This is an offense that is difficult to enforce In real time, since you don’t know who threw, if you are not there at that exact point in time. Another problem is stray dogs. There is a heavy hit of dog feces in the city and this is something that is difficult to catch in real time, a drone that we fly in advance to areas that we know have such frequent hazards , transmits the footage to the hotline in real time, the hotline sends an inspector to enforce the spot, and if it’s stray dogs we’ll arrive with a catcher and, if necessary, take the dog. This should certainly deter dog owners from letting them go unattended, and on the other hand, create a comfortable and pleasant environment for residents without dog excrement everywhere step.