YNET – Cando Droneshttps://cando.co.il Dronetize your visionTue, 19 Nov 2024 07:06:00 +0000en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2https://cando.co.il/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/cropped-cando-32x32.jpgYNET – Cando Droneshttps://cando.co.il 3232Did you throw waste in a prohibited place? The drone sees youhttps://cando.co.il/did-you-throw-waste-in-a-prohibited-place-the-drone-sees-you/ Fri, 05 Nov 2021 06:14:00 +0000https://cando.co.il/?p=5784 Did you dispose of trimmings illegally? Didn’t pick up your dog’s feces? The municipality’s state-of-the-art drones will be recorded – and fined. Gil Shlomo, director of the Hadera Municipality’s Enforcement and Security Division, explains about the project and reassures those who fear “Big Brother” Did you dispose of trimmings illegally? […]]]>Watch the experiment: Dozens of delivery drones in the skies of Haderahttps://cando.co.il/watch-the-experiment-dozens-of-delivery-skimmers-in-the-skies-of-hadera/ Wed, 17 Mar 2021 15:14:00 +0000https://cando.co.il/?p=5158 The governmental NAMA project was launched with a demonstration of flying dozens of drones of different companies at the same time, when they are controlled from a remote control center. The governmental NAMA project aims to establish a nationwide network of drones to transport cargo over city centers in Israel. […]]]>Pizza with a drone to the house? Maybe this time it will happen Watch the experimenthttps://cando.co.il/pizza-with-a-skimmer-to-the-house-maybe-this-time-it-will-happen-watch-the-experiment/ Mon, 07 Dec 2020 05:04:00 +0000https://cando.co.il/?p=5166 ‘Pizza Hut’ started a pilot, which at the end fleet of drones will deliver pizza deliveries to homes. The beginning: in the area of Hadera and Caesarea. Domino’s Pizza already held such an experiment two years ago and we are still waiting. Pizza Hut owners: “The delivery time will be […]]]>